Trabae BR2 released

I'm feeling kinda lazy right now so I'll just copy the Game Jolt description ;->

Update - BR2
Level Editor added
Meteors in the background
Music(probably placeholder)
Title(definately placeholder)

Level Creator instructions:
Select your block with the number keys-
1- Normal block
2- Back block
3- Small normal block
4- Small back block
5- Hurt block
6- Start Point
7- End Point
Enter- Save
C-Create from clipboard
Space- Load Level for editing
Backspace- Return to menu (save before returning)
M- Stop music (anytime during the game except the title screen)
Escape- Quit(anytime)

Please note, Almost everything I'm uploading is still in progress, so it will look a lot better when it is "officially" released.

Here is a level I created in the editor:

    !1-256-224! !2-288-224! !1-320-224! !1-320-256! !1-288-256! !1-256-256! !1-256-320! !1-288-320! !1-320-320! !6-304-304! !7-336-208! !1-352-416! !1-320-416! !2-320-480! !2-352-480! !1-256-512! !5-288-512! !5-288-528! !5-288-496! !5-304-432! !5-288-432! !5-272-432! !5-256-432! !5-288-480! !2-256-544! !1-256-576! !1-224-576! !1-192-576! !1-192-544! !1-192-512! !1-192-480! !1-192-448! !1-192-416! !1-192-384! !1-192-352! !1-192-320! !1-192-288! !1-192-256! !1-224-256! !1-224-320! !5-240-432! !5-224-432! !5-288-544! !5-288-560! !5-288-576! !5-288-592!

Copy the above text and go to the level creator and then press c.  Save the level and then load the level in the Custom Level Player.
I hope you enjoy the update!
Have fun :->
