Arms2d is Finished
Before you get any further, I'd appreciate it if you could take a look at this post detailing the motivation for Arms2d: Arms2d Motivation Without any further ado, here are some download links for Arms2d: [Windows Installer] - [Windows ZIP] - [HTML Web Build] So, what is Arms2d? Arms2d is a 2d fan demake of Nintendo's upcoming game, Arms (my fan game is not endorsed in any way by Nintendo) While Nintendo's game is a complex over-the-shoulder fighting game, my simple fan project is a free-for-all Super Smash Bros. style beat-em-up. What does Arms have that Arms2d doesn't have? Arms2d has one set of gloves - Arms has a bunch of different gloves that takes the strategy of the game to a whole new level Arms2d only has one stage - Arms has many unique stages Arms2d only has one game mode - Arms has quite a few really interesting game modes Arms2d doesn't have online multiplayer - Arms has online multiplayer with some really awesome features Ar...