Looking back at Arms2D

Well, my 15 minutes of fame have come and gone. The reception I've received to my fangame "Arms2d" has been nothing short of amazing. Now that things have settled back down, I think it's a great time to take a look back at the inspiring reception of "Arms2d". If you haven't already, you can check out my Arms2d Motivation post. In that post I detail the ideas and motivation behind the inception and creation of Arms2d. It will hopefully give you a good idea of the mindset I had when releasing the game. So when I first released the game, what happened? After the initial announcement blog post, I share the game on Reddit in two separate places, r/Arms and r/NintendoSwitch. (Basically the same way I shared Splatoon2d). After making the two posts I anxiously sat and waited for comments. It a while, but eventually the comments came in, and a lot of them were positive! So I spent the rest of the day replying to comments and trying to help out anyone wit...